Wednesday, May 16, 2007

End of An Era

Well, I just finished watching the final episode in the Gilmore Girls Television Series. As pathetic as it may sound, I did actually shed a couple of tears as all the characters said goodbye, one by one. One of the best moments I think was when Rory was told, "It is an honor to be your grandmother." (can you imagine YOUR grandma saying it?? Yeah, right. But still, how sweet is that???), as well as the final luggage packing scene where Lorelai is trying to remember every piece of advice she may have forgotten to impart and remembers that she wanted to give her an orange sweater and then to ease her fears, Rory tells her mom, "You've given me everything I need."
It's hard to believe that this show has been on the air for seven years but I wonder if, in the future, when trying to explain the ideal mother-daughter relationship, my little girls will understand what I'm talking about when I refer to these characters. I'm sure by then it will be one of those sad little shows relegated to daytime filler reruns that nobody actually watches.....put there just to fill the empty slots in the TV Guide.
Yes, yes, I watch too much tv.....but these imaginary characters held a special place in my heart, much like a well-loved bedtime story.
Goodbye to Rory and Lorelai.....


At 5/16/2007 06:19:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss Sondi, my deepest sympathy... :(

At 5/17/2007 10:02:00 AM , Blogger BohemianD said...

LOL...thanks so much...


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