Thursday, May 31, 2007


So here is what I'm listening to at the moment....

While watching the chick-movie DVD "Because I Said So" (glad I saw it on video and not the theater...cute and funny but not on my alltime favorites list), I was hooked on a song in the songtrack by The Weepies. The song is "World Spins Madly On". I downloaded it along with the rest of their 2006 album (Say I Am You) from . They are one of my new favorite bands. I have no idea if they get radio play on the west coast but they were new to me and I am SO GROOVIN' ON THEM! If I had to pick a genre for them, I'd say 'folk' but the best bands are always difficult for me to'll have to give them a listen yourself and see what you think
(leave me a comment and let me know!)

The Second band I recently stumbled across is The Czars. They have only a single on but they have two albums available on itunes (both are awesome!):

2004 album "The Ugly People Vs. The Beautiful People" and their

2006 release "Goodbye".

Again, hard to pin this group down to a specific genre....according to the blip on itunes where they are described, their pre-2004 album was more pop-like and they describe their 2004 album as "beautiful, melancholic chamber ballads". That is such a weird description...sounds more appropriate for classical music....
But the description they have also includes info like, "Cocteau Twins' Simon Raymonde and storied engineer Giles Hall take on production duties, and once again, they make pianos sound like full orchestras and cause strings to echo on into infinity. John Grant's vocals are impossibly sublime throughout the album, as he seeks out tender highs and somewhat angry lows." It also says, "Whether whispering over distant country twang guitar and mariachi trumpets, intoning over the humming of Frazer, being vocoderized Grandaddy-style on "what Used to Be A Human", or harmonizing with the entire band, Grant's voice is the keystone of the album."
With a description like that, how can you NOT be curious about their sound, right???
The other person, I'm listening to is comedian and actor,
Jim Gaffigan.
He's got one album full of bad language (but is edited on comedy central's broadcast if you want to catch it there next time he's on) and another that isn't (i haven't finished listening to it yet but so far, so good). He has me laughing so hard that there are honest to goodness tears pouring out of my eyes. Silly but comical personal observations and a lot of self-depreciating, ugh-i'm-so-white-that-i'm-pathetic humor.... Again, downloadable from emusic and also itunes.
How much do I love my mp3 player these days? ADORATION is the only word for it!!!!


At 6/04/2007 11:48:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never heard of 'The Weepies' but i went to the link and listened to all the samples and must say that I really like their music. And I really not big into 'folk' music but really like them :o)


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