Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So the off-season shows are all wrapping up and its time we bid these characters adieu until next year. This, sad as it is to admit, drives me nuts. I am clearly WAY too addicted to the television when waiting for a new episode of a television series to air can make me so frustrated. Hellloooo.....get a life, already!
But for anyone else that is also addicted to this show (it's one of those where you are kept guessing and they only reveal small clues in each episode), you probably understand. The KYLE XY season 2 finale episode, "Leap of Faith", ends with this song playing in the background which I absolutely love. Very haunting tagline, "shouldn't that save you".....
It took me quite a while (searching online high and low) to figure out who this song was by but FINALLY I found it on emusic. com. (itunes didn't seem to have it) For anyone interested, the song is called, "Save You" and is sung by Matthew Perryman Jones . I don't know about anyone else, but if I hear a great song on a television show or movie, it drives me nuts until I can find out who it was by. There was a song in the movie, "Because I said so" that was like that. And IT led me to discover a new group that I absolutely love (new to me, but they have a couple of cds out), The Weepies. LOVE LOVE LOVE them..... This song was like that. The chorus kept going 'round and 'round in my head. The only way to get it out is to download it and put it on my ipod!!!
I've got a raging headache so that's all I'm writing for now.....


At 9/04/2007 09:41:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

MPJ is an excellent musician; I am glad to see that he is getting some much deserved recognition from the spot on Kyle XY. Make sure you check out some of his other material. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Take care.

At 9/05/2007 03:39:00 AM , Blogger Sandi G said...

Hey, I love that show too! We had a full days worth of shows yesterday and I was so excited to find out purely by accident. I have been looking for the show for months and found it by accident on our abc family channel, I have missed a bunch of them, Hoping that they put the series on CD.

Love to you all! Mom


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