Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Monday, Monday.....oh darn! It's Tuesday already!

Today may not be Monday but man does it feel like it! We had a busy weekend. Richie had some brothers over to play computer games yesterday and Saturday and Sunday night we went to someone else's place for a yummy ham....I had to fight with Mia just to get food off of my own plate. I think she is growing again because she is eating NON-stop!

Let's see.....what else.....

On the 24th, I finished up a bunch of ATC's .....I uploaded my favorites of the bunch above. I have an altered book that I need to finish up really soon. It is due to the next person in line to alter it on the 15th and they live in Canada....who knows how long the mail could take to get it there. Yikes. Like I said, i need to get a move on and get it done. I need to get the pages scanned into the pc as well because you just never know when the mail will go POOF!!! and never be heard from again.

I really want to get some art supplies listed on ebay too. I have organized the majority of my rubber stamps and took out a bunch to get listed. So that is next (after finishing brewing my cappuccino) on the list of things to do.

Of all the friends that I do circle journey books with, ONLY two regularly return them. One more is fairly good at it not getting lost.....and all the rest of you bums are really bumming me out. What is up with that???? You've had the book for

Y E A R S.

It's 2007 people! It's mine and I want it BACK ALREADY!!!! Arrrrggggghhhhh.....

Okay, so that is my note for now.....lots to do...I took a nap this morning and then BLAMO!!! the morning was gone. I would say 'wasted', except that I was mightily tired and I did at least feed the girls first. But now I am ready to be up and at 'em and the list of things to do in my head is growing faster than my ability to complete it. Eeek!

Cheerio and Toodles!


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