Monday, August 21, 2006

What I Did On My Summer Vaca....wait...WEEKEND

So I actually did something 'summery' this weekend.

I have not been to the beach this summer. Not even once.

I have not flown a kite.
I have not pushed my daughters on the swings.
I have not laid out to feel the warm summer sun on my skin.
But FINALLY I have done something summery.
I went to a concert! Yay me!!!!

I haven't been to a concert (except for a comedian and frankly, that just doesn't count) in YEARS. I was feeling reallllly old and passe.... who did I go see, you ask?
"Guster!", I reply.

The opener was scheduledto be Ray LaMontagne who I'm not a big fan of. He is a bit whiny for my tastes. Although in concert he had a more raspy folk sound which was a lot better than the radio play. Still....he was seriously putting us to sleep. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz....(my jaw started to hurt from all the yawning -- seriously)...

We made several bathroom trips as well as concession stand trips for food, coffee and concert paraphernalia (sp?) instead of sitting thru his entire performance. Don't get me wrong...he is talented.
But when you are there to ROCK and someone is just up there whining mean singing on and on and on in a more lullaby-ish fashion, it just gets you antsy.

The opener to Ray though (surprise to us) was band from Oakland, CA, Rogue Wave.
We'd never heard of them before but they were AWESOME!!!!
It made way more sense for Guster to ask THEM to tour with them than Ray Ray Runaway.... They rocked the place AND had a great stage presense. The lead singer talked to the audience a lot like Brain (guster's lead singer) does and it makes you feel like they are your buddy and not some guy you've never laid eyes on goofing around on a performance stage. Very likable. Even though they had no fancy lightwork like the headliner, they still put on a great show. They played about every instument you can pick up and carry around. And they got up and switched with each other a couple of times too. It was very entertaining. Needless to say, I HAD to buy their CD. It's now getting more play time at my house than Guster cause they are my new fav...

...which is why I have little to say about Guster's actual performance. I don't need to tell you they ROCK. I don't need to tell you the bongos echo thru your ears, along your skin, into your bones, into your bloodstream and make you believe for a second or two that your heart is beating in perfect unison. Portland was the last stop of their tour so they didn't make the audience work for the encores....Brian said that they were just going to keep "playing more songs after this song and some more songs after that" or something to that effect. It was GREAT!!!

Alrightee that is what I did on my weekend....mostly anyhow....
I'm off to the showers.....gotta get to the chiro pretty soon....


Friday, August 18, 2006

Creative Inspiration

For anyone in need of creative, this chick blows me away. I check her site every now and again and BLAM! I am inspired to go grab my glue and paper and paints and P L A Y !!!

Learning Thru Experimentation...

Okayyyy....I started that Dr. Natura cleansing program... My sister posted a link ( on her blog mentioning the goo and goop that is lodged inside of you making you sick and feel just plain non-great. So I checked it out....and decided to give it a try...

Their site is way different than other sites meant to sell a product. By their own admission, "It’s the ‘reality show’ of embarrassing bathroom stories that are shared with great enthusiasm and pride." Seriously, they have PICTURES OF STUFF THAT HAS COME OUT OF PEOPLE's BUTTS. Not for the faint of heart but one of those things where you WANT to look away and yet you can't.

In agreement with the gist of their site, I've heard that the average person has between 2 and 10 pounds of parasites and colon plaque inside of them. So, by it's very nature, this 'cleanse' is supposed to make you lose a few pounds and have a flatter stomach. Man, that would be cool.

The cleanse program has parts: Senna Tea, Herbs to flush parasites and This Fiber Concoction that you drink. The tea tastes awesome. The parasite herbs are capsules so *gulp* down they go. The fiber...well, it doesn't taste horrible but dude, it's fiber, what do you expect. It isn't like those commercials where they stir it into water and it disappears. It's a bit chunky.

I was reading that they also have a liver and kidney cleanse....We'll see how THIS one goes and then maybe do some investigating into the others....

Has anyone else tried this??? If so, I'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


(in no particular order)

Walking In On time
Being With My Favorite People
Big Closets
Pumpkin Pie
Cobalt Glass
Laughing till I am sick & can't catch my breath
New Words
The Tinkling Laughter of Delighted Little Girls
Art Supplies
Letters in the Mailbox
Creative Inspiration
That Moment when someone finally understands some bit of scriptural reasoning
Unconcientious Singing
Old Musty Books
Just inside the doorway of a Starbucks, Nordstrom, or Public Library
A Good Hairday
a Kitchen full of food
Wallpaper Books/ Paint Swatches
Gerber Daisies, Black-eyed Susans, & Queen Anne's Lace
Pictures of my girls
Eiffel Tower
50's Advertising
Baby Hugs
Beauticians who make you believe you are lovely
Coffee, Cappacino, Mochas, Cafe au Lait
Feeling Smart

Moldy Anything
Running out of Tape
Knotted Hair
Stuff on the bottom of my foot
BUGS (except for moths & butterflies)
Fake Plants
Selfish People
Smelly Sponges
Bad Wine
Lazy Salespeople
Empty Toilet Paper Roll
Dirty Dishes
Not seeing without glasses
Aches & Pains

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oo-La- LA!

Well, today, despite being sooo sick (still have no idea what is wrong with me) I cranked out a few ATC cards...they are on one of my favorite themes so I just couldn't stop at one-- France....oooohhh la la! Here are two of my favorites....not sure which one I am submitting (the whole reason I started on this theme in the first place)... but they were totally fun to do!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Ugh. I have been sick for over a week now....a couple of flus the girls and I have passed to each other, a cold and now I'm pretty sure I've got strep. Need I say I'm dragging, fuzzy headed and irritable.

Oh yes, I'm a JOY to be around.

Friday, August 11, 2006

more from friday....

"Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love."--Jane Austen

A is for Artist

A is for Artist

Here is an ATC that I finished last night. It's the first one I've done with doors and I LOVED having all the extra space to work with! Top picture is doors open and then a picture with the doors closed.

Friday, August 4, 2006

My Sister's Blog

Video Killed the Radio Star! <-- This is my sister, Stephanie's blog. She is the rockin'-est chick in the world and when I grow up, I want to be just like her!

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

This is me last month at the Maine Wildlife Park laughing at my friend Lisa who always makes me laugh (partly why i love her so much!) Posted by Picasa


 Posted by Picasa

The Gangs All Here!

Posted by Picasa Me, holding Mia, Lisa (amazing creative genius who totally inspires me and makes me feel loved), Katie (cute as a button, sharp as a whip, cool as a cucumber wishes it were), Katie's niece Jaina (who Bella thinks is the coolest thing on two feet, next to Lisa, of course)

Let's Get This Party Started

Yesterday was a banner day! Mia took her very first step! Richie was doubtful when I told him: "She was lunging her herself around yesterday. Are you sure that wasn't what she did?". She stood up on her noisy large toy, let go, standing free, raised her little hands in the air to say "yayyy" then she used her right foot to take a step closer to the toy, and then she grabbed on!

As for Art...well....I unpacked all my new little doo-dad treasures from Craft Mania and unpacked the doo-dads I ordered from Bmuse and another thru-the-mail item. I sure love getting 'presents' in the mail. Mostly because by the time they arrive, I've forgotten what I ordered and then, BLAM! Treasure in a padded envelope with MY name it! Yippee!!!

Well, I'm off to get my daily dose of caffeine! (And yes, that IS the highlight of my day)

BohemianD.....aka sondi